DC Database


File:Huntress (Helena Wayne).JPG

Helena Wayne as the Huntress; illustration by Joe Staton

Real Name: Helena Wayne
Nicknames: No known nicknames
Former Aliases: Huntress
Other Current Aliases: No other known current aliases


Occupation:CEO for Eternity Inc., a sub company of Wayne Enterprises
Legal Status: Legal status unknown
Identity: Category:Huntress
Marital Status: Marital status unknown
Group Affiliation: Eternity Inc.
Base of Operations: Park City Penthouse


The daughter of Selina Kyle(Catwoman) and Bruce Wayne(Batman)

Place of Birth: Park City
Known Relatives: Aunt Maggie Kyle, Uncle Karl Kyle, and Uncle Phillip Wayne
First Appearance: First appearance unknown


The daughter that Bruce wayne never knew, her mother dies in an alley after being shot by a mugger. Bruce branches a buissness in Park City called Eternity Inc. a company of expirimental study after Helena is accepted as in intern for eternity, bruce hears about Selinas death and decides after the summer hes going to back to gotham. When he leaves Helena returns and finds she is running the whole company herself.


Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163 lbs (xxx kg)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black(she used to die it blonde)
Skin: Caucasian
Unusual Features: No unusual features


Known Powers: No powers.
Known Abilities: very agile, very intelligent, and at peak physical condition
Strength Level: very strong, but not super humanly strong


Equipment: grappling hooks, and very hightech costume
Transportation: No known transportation.
Weapons: bombs, fighting needles, grappling hooks, very hightech costume(changes for the task at hand)


  • No special notes.


  • allergic to dogwood, went to asia because it what her mother wanted that summer before she died rather than go to europe like helena wanted originally

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